
Varina Post 233


Membership Requirements

Click on gold logo above for more info


How To Join Post 233


First, determine if you are eligible to join The American Legion Varina Post 233.

There are three ways that you can establish eligibility.

1.     You were honorably discharged after serving at least one day of active military duty in either the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marines, or the U.S. Coast Guard during anytime from Dec. 7, 1941 to the Present.

2.     You were honorably discharged after serving at least one day of active duty in the Merchant Marines during the period Dec. 7, 1941 - Aug. 15, 1945.

3.     You are currently serving honorably in either the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marines, U.S. Coast Guard, or  U.S Space Force.


New Membership 

Eligible veterans applying for first time membership to Varina Post 233 must apply for membership to the membership committee.

  1. Download and complete the American Legion  Membership Application if you are eligible. Then mail or deliver to our post.  If you opt to present in person please contact us.  Our monthly meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the month (this may change if there is an update to our bylaws). However be advised we do a combination of in person and by zoom meetings.   ***We DO NOT ADVISE EMAILING YOUR APPLICATION AT THIS TIME UNLESS YOU DO SO BY SECURE MEANS SUCH AS  SECURE EMAIL OR FAX.  You may also contact us to find out how we accept electronic your electronic payments.

    If sending by mail, make two copies. The receipt side will need to be completed and returned to you with your recruiter's information. Mail to our post address  8088 Recreation Road, Henrico, VA 23231. ATTN: Adjutant.  The application must have your initial dues payment of $45.  (Applications are also available at the Post.)


Provide a copy of your DD214 discharge. 

  1. Make checks OR money ordere payable to American Legion Varina Post 233. DO NOT SEND CASH.
  2. If the information is correct, and you are not barred from any other post, more than likely membership will be voted at the next meeting and probably approved. A membership card will then be mailed to you.

3.  Membership dues After joining are $10 per month after joining our Legion Post. You can pay your dues monthly, quarterly, or annually.   Your annual dues will be sent directly to national your first year of membership (or transfer).



Interested in Transferring to our Post??? 

Email al233varinapost@gmail.com or call us  at 804-859-1359 so we can complete a data sheet.