Post Updates
New Leader emails coming soon Some of our leaders will be receiving new leader email addresses. Please be patient as we cutover to the new addresses for some of our primary Varina Post leaders. The new emails will bear the domain identifier. You will be advised of the activation date and time. Kudos to legionsites for all their help and support in this endeavor. If you have questions about our new email, our backup post email has not changed, and will remain intact. It is still
Wrestling Cancellation Until Further Notice We regret to inform our wrestling fans that wrestling is cancelled until further notice. We ask that you keep Ace Montana in your thoughts and prayers. No questions please. Thank you.
Regular Monthly Meetings will be a combination of in person and zoom We ask all members to please keep a close eye on the calender. You will see the meetings posted there with information on the type of meeting we will have, and the location. We will send the link for any zoom meeting privately. Please check your email for the zoom links and other meeting information as well. You may also contact our adjutant or admin specialists.
Do You Know the Call Center Number???? Just in case you don't the number is 804-859-1359.